Neutral Gamer

CRank: 13Score: 38790

This is SO true. Considering what you're getting, the PS3 is an unbelievable bargain, hell you can get stand alone, Blu-Ray players for nearly as much.

Put one PS3 under your TV and you can watch High Def movies at 1080p with High Def 7.1 surround, view your pictures, listen to your music, surf the web, play online games for free, have access to a 3D virtual online world, use Linux and of course play not only cutting edge games but thousands of PS1 and PS2 titles as well playin...

6259d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, I actually find that quite funny, after all a woman is the ultimate "Home entertainment device" if you know what I mean ...

6259d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to admit DJ mate, that's actually a pretty good idea!

Imagine being able to play your PS3 (or PS2/PS1) games using your PSP anywhere in the house. The PS3 could do all the processing, it would just take the final rendered screen, compress the image and send it to the PSP. The PSP could just be like a terminal "plugged in" to the PS3 "server".

If the Remote Play is already fast enough to allow you to stream movies then this shouldn't be ...

6259d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can understand why China are doing because of the deaths that have occurred in Asian countries where certain people have been playing MMORPG's for WAY too long periods of time.

However, it should really be the parents who teach their children the problems that can occur if you use computers/TV's/consoles for too long. The Chinese government should produce adverts and similar initiatives to show children the risks.

Also, this only applies to children, when it's ...

6260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... you both made good points.

On the one hand, Michael Bay sure knows how to direct action films, which considering how action packed a game Prince of Persia is, should result in some pretty cool set pieces. When looking at the production art in the article, we could be in for a very exhilarating visual experience.

On the other hand, just look at the films like Pearl Harbor and The Island to look how the story/plot side of things end up. I only bought Pearl Harb...

6260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... I haven't played God of War II yet, just waiting for the April 27th release over here in the UK so I don't know how good it'll look in action (I do know it's gonna be an AWESOME game to play though considering how much I loved the first one!).

But, surely Doom 3 on the Xbox was pretty damn impressive in its visuals, don't you think?

I do agree with you though on the Xbox's early grave, developers were making some pretty cool looking titles near the end of its...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of my mates at uni had a Minidisc player and I have to admit it looked pretty sweet; all silver and sleek.

Hell of a lot better looking than Sony's attempts at an MP3 player over the last few years IMHO. Each to their own though.

Minidisc did seem like it offered some cool features and it did have that trendy and "exclusive" factor (mainly cos so few people bought one!), it's a pity it never really became the success it deserved to be.

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're right Stewie, they don't call this great country, "Rip off Britain" for nothing!

Go ahead and set up an anti-reserved organisation or something similar and I'll join up. We've gotta stop complaining and start acting!

The Griffin clan is relying on you my son!

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, at school and uni I did used to download MP3's illegally, although a lot of it was American music that no radio stations ever played in the UK. I thought of it more as a taster for if I'd like the album or not, which is why I only ever downloaded 2 or 3 from one particular album. If I liked them I'd go out and buy the album.

But in the last few years my conscience came into play and I also have been buying back all the songs I downloaded. It just feels good and I can fina...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah mate, us UK users seem to get everything delayed. I wanna watch HD movies and programmes through Xbox Live with the same choice as the Yanks.

If we pay more for electronic items, the PS3 being a good example, then we should get more!

You listening Microsoft (and all other Tech companies)?

6263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We haven't had the Zune released over here in the UK yet mate, so I'm curious to know what you think of it. I've heard the user interface is pretty sweet.

Have you used an iPod, and if so, how does it compare in terms of use and sound quality?

I haven't got an iPod but I've been thinking about a new MP3 player. The fact that Apple and Microsoft have both recently talked about non-DRM music would definitely help to persuade people like me so I could play my music ...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guy games are the way, I mean that's what the vast majority of us gamers on the 360 and N4G are, red blooded males.

From when I first played the original Doom in the 90's all the way through the Unreal and Quake series these games have never got me bored, it may be similar gameplay each time, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun!

Yeah, I love playing on the Wii with my sister and family but give me Gears, Halo, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Resistance et al when pla...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although it's great to have a new game mode, and from what I've read so far it does sound like it's gonna be pretty fast paced, for me it's new, well designed maps that really add to a game.

When the original map pack was released for Halo 2 it added a lot more longevity to the game cos by that point we knew all the existing maps off by heart. Suddenly we were all like n00bs again finding our way round in the new locations and it was a race to see who could master the maps firs...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You say this story has nothing to do with gaming, I agree it doesn't, that's why it's in the Tech section. That's what the Tech section is for and N4G guidelines state that we can add Tech stories to the site.

In fact if you look at the following 3 example articles that have been approved (just a minute handful of approved non-gaming Tech stories), you'll notice they were approved by a combination of NEWSBOT and DUSTY. They didn't seem to have a problem with them, so are you se...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, funny cos it's true Boink!

And to Prohibit, maybe Microsoft or retailers will do a special deal if you buy a controller and mini keyboard together as a pack?

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft being sued?
An American company being sued?
American lawyers suing American companies?

What else is new? ::Yawn::

6266d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah it would be cool if us Xbox/Xbox 360 owners could get the new PC map, but we are getting the two new maps that Bungie recently announced (if we pay), so although not perfect, it is a fair compromise.

Better than nothing hey! :)

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"As Patcher puts it, there are more Fords out there than Maseratis."

I know that the PSP is a lot more powerful but there's a MASSIVE difference between a Ford and a Maserati (unless he was talking about the Ford GT, that's a whole different story!).

The DS looks cool and has a lot of features (eg. Touch Screen, Microphone, Wi-Fi, optional Web Browser) for the money. Personally I think we should upgrade the DS's standing to a BMW 3-Series ...

6266d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha, I read the first couple and last couple of paragraphs of Mark Rein's forum response, obviously missing out the juicy stuff, my bad!

Looks like they're going for the Halo 2 approach, that's cool with me, me and my cousin waited several months for the new Halo maps when they were first released and we can do the same thing again, although there will be that temptation if everybody else DOES buy it ...

6266d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's good to see that PC owners will get some new features after the time they've had to wait for it to come out. I like the quote:

"When our team plays large multiplayer games, controller players regularly school the keyboard/mouse players, and vice versa."

Looks like us console familiar players will still have a chance to p4wn the game every now and then! The increased resolution is great and obviously expected on a PC game but it's the Level Editor t...

6266d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment